[PDF EBOOK EPUB] Healthy as F*ck: The Habits You Need to Get Lean, Stay Healthy, and Kick Ass at Life (Ebook Online)
Description of Healthy as F*ck: The Habits You Need to Get Lean, Stay Healthy, and Kick Ass at Life
Review 'Healthy As F*ck is a smart, funny and practical guide to revolutionizing your health and wellness. Oonagh Duncan addresses everything from mindset to meal prep in order to help you get healthy (and happy!) from the inside out. She'll make you laugh, she'll make you think, and she'll give you just the kick in the you-know-what that you need to put healthy habits into action.' - Ocean Robbins, bestselling author of 31-Day Food Revolution'A no-BS guide to looking and feeling your best that doesn't make you want to cry into a salad? Hell yes! Healthy As F*ck is a different kind of weight-loss book-because it's not just about dropping pounds; it's about dropping judgment. Hilarious and legitimately inspiring. I loved it.' - Sarah Knight, New York Times bestselling author of Calm the Fuck Down'I love Oonagh's ability to cut through the crap and communicate simple, livable ways to eat healthy, exercise, and create new sustainable habits in a clear and direct way!' - Harley Pasternak, internationally bestselling author of The Body Reset Diet'Oonagh Duncan is smart, to the point, and will make you laugh, but most importantly, Healthy as F*ck provides some foundational habits and strategies to help you make lasting, long-term changes for your wellbeing.' - Michael Greger, MD, Founder of NutritionFacts.org and New York Times bestselling author of How Not to Die'Hilarious, laugh-out-loud funny, and straight to the point-Oonagh doesn't mince her words. If you want to get off the weight-loss roller coaster, ditch the exhausting diet mentality to feel and look your best, Healthy as F*ck is packed with advice that actually works because it's not about a diet; it's about a lifestyle.' - Joy McCarthy, holistic nutritionist and two-time bestselling author of Joyous Health and Joyous Detox'In this gleefully expletive-laced guide, Duncan empowers failed dieters to change their habits...Duncan writes without judgment and with such joie de vivre...she makes working out first thing in the morning and downing loads of vegetables sound fun.' - Booklist Read more About the Author Oonagh Duncan is a multi-award-winning fitness expert, author and speaker specializing in helping women get lean, strong, and healthy through a habits-based approach. Her unique formula has resulted in international media attention, speaking engagements on stages in front of thousands, and most importantly, five-star reviews from the thousands of people who have changed their lives through her program. Oonagh is the founder of the Feel Good Movement, which recognizes that fitness is not about a number on the scale but feeling good. Because if you want to reach your highest potential and generally kick ass at life, it starts with feeling good right now. To feel good, Oonagh likes green smoothies and guilty pleasure 90s hip-hop dance parties with her family in the kitchen. Read more
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