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Description for Better Allies: Everyday Actions to Create Inclusive, Engaging Workplaces
Review 'I tore through Better Allies, and you will too. Karen Catlin has brought clarity to the challenges underrepresented people face at work. Read this book if you want advice on how to be a better ally, on how to create a more inclusive culture, and on how to increase your competitive advantage around hiring and retaining talent.' --Norm Meyrowitz, former President of Products, Macromedia'Calling all allies! Here is your one-stop manual for becoming better as an advocate, champion, and ally for marginalized colleagues in the workplace. Catlin's rich experience as an executive in the tech world infuses each of her immensely practical allyship strategies with deep wisdom from the trenches. Not sure where to start? Catlin demystifies allyship with proven workplace actions from a host of everyday allies. This amazing book is both an invitation and a roadmap to every person and organization committed to making the workplace fully inclusive. More, Better Allies is a gift to everyone who truly wants to be a better human being at work.' --Brad Johnson, PhD and David G. Smith, PhD, authors of Athena Rising: How and Why Men Should Mentor Women'As a global business strategist with a plural board career, I am passionate regarding how imperative it is in today's world that companies must sharpen their competitive advantage by attracting and retaining top talent. Better Allies is a thoughtful and insightful book, offering a tool kit of meaningful, actionable ideas for the reader of how to create a meaningful and engaging workplace.' --Eugenia Ulasewicz, former President, Burberry America'Ever found yourself wondering 'How can I better support diversity and inclusion in the workplace?' In Better Allies, Karen Catlin breaks it down and helps to guide the conversation. This book is just the beginning of a grassroots movement. And it's going to help make a big difference to workplaces everywhere.' --Brad Arkin, Vice President and Chief Security Officer, Adobe'Some people have it harder than you at work. This is just true. Get over it. And, yes, there are many permutations of this dynamic involving class, color, race, sexual orientation and a few thousand other ways people are different from each other. We tend to not notice it, or not do anything about it, at least partly because we're not sure what to do. Fortunately, we now have Better Allies. It's incredibly complete and packed with practical advice to help you start to make a difference in your organization.' --Joe Dunn, Executive Coach and Radical Candor Guru'Karen Catlin has created an accessible, practical everyday guide to becoming a better ally. Whether you are just starting out or you've been an ally for years, everyone can learn some-thing new from this terrific book.' --Elizabeth Ames, Leadership Committee of Time's Up Tech and Founder, Allies Together'Better Allies demystifies the work of allyship in an actionable, approachable, and blame-free way. The book introduces key concepts necessary to effective allyship with concrete examples and case studies, and offers a myriad of positive actions we can all take on our journey to be better allies in our workplace and our personal lives.' --Caroline Simard, PhD, Managing Director, Stanford VMWare Women's Leadership Innovation Lab Read more
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