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Review Conscious Coaching offers insight into a truly valuable leadership model in which compelling authority runs thin but influence and interpersonal skills are paramount. I've known Brett for over decade and his professionalism, expertise, and leadership make him the perfect person to write this book.�- Rob Bollinger / Colonel / U.S. Army, Special ForcesBrett has given me the best years of my football career. Athletes want a coach that not only makes them better physically, but also one that understands our world and communicates in a real way- Brett does that. For me it's about the combination of smart training and good communication, and what I love and most of all is he is not just my coach, he is my friend. I'll be working with him until my career is over.�- Patrick Chung / Two-time Super Bowl Champion / Safety - New England PatriotsBrett Bartholomew is one of the leaders of our profession today. He understands that the strength & conditioning industry is part 'art' and part 'science'. We live in a world today where we have many internet 'gurus' that get the science, understand the physiology and biomechanics. However, the defining element of 'coaching' lies in a coach's ability to interact with an athlete or group of athletes -- understand where they are at, and how to motivate and move a group of athletes forward. Brett's book will give you some insight into the 'art' of how to do this. Creating the environment to teach, motivate, and inspire is a 'must' in today's modern coaching world. Anyone that has seen Brett coach live, or otherwise, sees his passion and energy immediately. Young coaches starting their journey into this profession (or anyone who's been in for years) would do well to soak up the experiences and learn the applied side of coaching. I can't recommend Brett's book enough. It delves into essence of what separates the good coaches from the great coaches.�- Dave Tenney / High Performance Director / Seattle Sounders FCThis book is the human performance equivalent to the Jim Collins classic 'Good to Great.' -Art Horne / Head Athletic Trainer of the Atlanta HawksIn this highly diluted industry, rife with negativity, internet experts and gimmicky frauds, Brett is a beacon of positivity, professionalism and authenticity. Coach John Wooden stated, 'A coach has not taught until the athlete has learned.' 'Coach as a teacher' is a role that Brett expertly fulfills, and I am proud to call him my friend.�- Stu McMillan / Performance Director and Lead Sprint Coach ALTIS�Our profession gets caught up in the 'numbers' of coaching. Numbers don't have personalities or lives. Conscious Coaching exposes us to how an elite level coach thinks and performs! Devour it!�- Bob Alejo / Assistant Athletics Director/Director of Strength and Conditioning / North Carolina State UniversityConscious Coaching is a must read for those just entering the strength and conditioning profession, or simply seeking to become a better coach. Brett takes you on a journey of his pinnacles and pitfalls while weaving in relevant and real-world lessons applicable to modern-day coaching. This book leverages insights on management, leadership, learning, and social behavior from a number of prominent books and research studies. With this information, Brett creates a wonderful narrative specific to improving the performance of others while also improving one's self.�- Brandon Marcello, PhD / High-Performance Strategist�I wish this book was out when I was an up and coming coach - the information that it provides often takes years of experience to work out for yourself. Brett does a phenomenal job of taking the science of coaching and showing you how it underpins the so called 'art of coaching'. Every coach should understand these concepts. - Lachlan Wilmot / Senior Athletic Performance Specialist - Strength & Power Read more About the Author Brett Bartholomew is a strength and conditioning coach, best-selling author, adjunct professor, and Founder of the performance coaching and consulting company, The Bridge Human Performance(R). His experience includes working with world-class athletes in both the team setting (NCAA and professional), as well as individually along with members of the United States Special Forces community and Fortune 500 companies. Taken together, Brett has coached a diverse range of athletes from across 23 sports at levels ranging from youth to Olympians. He's supported Super Bowl and World Series Champions, along with several professional fighters, including those competing in the UFC. His coaching and speaking has spanned the globe, from China to Brazil and numerous other stops in between. As an entrepreneur, Brett has proudly served as a teammate and supporting partner in the strategic growth of two separate performance companies and is a highly sought-after consultant and mentor for many others across the United States and abroad. Additionally, his work and expertise has been featured in numerous local and national media outlets. Brett is a member of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) where he holds both their CSCS*D & RSCC*D distinctions. He is a proud graduate of Kansas State University, where he obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology, and Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, where he obtained a Master of Science in Education in exercise science with an emphasis on motor behavior, cueing, and attentional focus in human performance. Brett invites you to learn more about his work by visiting ArtOfCoaching.com or by connecting via Twitter or Instagram @Coach_BrettB Read more
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