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Description of Naturally Keto
About the Author Brenda Bennett is the recipe creator, writer and photographer behind the popular food blog, SugarFreeMom.com, a low carb, gluten free, allergy friendly food blog, which focuses on fresh, whole food recipes, free of grains, gluten, sugar as well as many tree nut and peanut free recipes catering to her son�s allergies. SugarFreeMom.com launched in 2011 as a place for her family and friends to easily find all her creative sugar free recipes and quickly became a leading source for trusted, tried and true low carb recipes. Though the blog began in 2011, Brenda�s sugar free journey began over 15 years ago to tame her sugar addiction by creating low carb recipes of her high carb favorites. With a Master�s Degree in Special Education, her desire has always been to help others in need. Her own weight struggles began as a teenager turning to bulimia, eventually overcoming that horrific battle but discovering her sugar addiction needed to be tamed. In 2004 she gave up the white stuff for good and has never looked back. Her mission has always been and continues to be to help others see this way of life as not only sustainable, but enjoyable. That giving up sugar and carbs doesn�t have to be a death sentence and never enjoying desserts again. You can still enjoy cake on your birthday, keto cake that is! � Brenda lives in Rhode Island with her husband of 22 years and their 3 children. She is a lover of coffee, chocolate and dipping almost anything in avocado oil mayonnaise. She is a multitasker at best. You can often find her homeschooling her kids while cooking in the kitchen or being the Uber driver for her kids while listening to keto podcasts. Find more of her recipes, meal plans and resources at www.sugarfreemom.com. Read more
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