Read Online Paleo Principles: The Science Behind the Paleo Template, Step-by-Step Guides, Meal Plans, and 200+ Healthy & Delicious Recipes for Real Life (1)
[R.E.A.D] Paleo Principles: The Science Behind the Paleo Template, Step-by-Step Guides, Meal Plans, and 200+ Healthy & Delicious Recipes for Real Life (1) (Ebook Online)
Description of Paleo Principles: The Science Behind the Paleo Template, Step-by-Step Guides, Meal Plans, and 200+ Healthy & Delicious Recipes for Real Life (1)
Review If you want to restore your digestive health, balance hormones, and support your immune system, then Paleo Principles is the book for you. Dr. Ballantyne offers the latest medical research, nutrition advice, and Paleo recipes to transform your health. She has created a comprehensive and well-researched guide to better health through nutrition and lifestyle. Not only will Paleo Principles help you reach your health goals, but it will most likely have you feeling better than ever before. Josh Axe, DNM, CNS, DC, founder of, bestselling author of Eat Dirt and co-founder of Ancient NutritionTwenty years ago the Paleo diet had a few review papers or references in anthropology books and papers. Many detractors cited a �lack of research� to support the Paleo diet/Ancestral health template. That story has changed. We now have well-conducted human trails on a host of different topics, with a consistent theme which paints the Paleo diet as safe, effective, and beneficial over the long haul. There are still detractors who cite a paucity of research, but we now have Dr. Sarah Ballantyne�s Magnum Opus, Paleo Principles, which compiles and puts into context the vast body of research which now encompasses the Paleo diet. Robb Wolf, New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Solution and Wired to EatReading Paleo Principles is like having a heart-to-heart with one of the world�s foremost experts on health in your kitchen�not only does Dr. Ballantyne take the time to thoroughly explain the science behind the Paleo template, but her understanding and compassion shine through in her writing. With this book, not only will you find answers to your health challenges, but an ally for your health journey. Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP, pharmacist and New York Times bestselling author of Hashimoto's ProtocolIn Paleo Principles, Dr. Ballantyne lays the complete scientific foundation for the Paleo lifestyle while providing a huge collection of practical tips, visual guides, delicious recipes, and meal plans. Her book is a complete guide to achieving your best health. Chris Kresser MS, LAc, New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo CureSarah Ballantyne�s brilliant new book�packed with science, easy-to-follow advice, and luscious recipes� holds all the answers you need to go from overweight, overmedicated, and fatigued to slim, energetic, and healthy. If you�re ready to change your life, read this book now. Kellyann Petrucci, MD, New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Kellyann�s Bone Broth Diet, and host of the PBS special 21 Days to a Slimmer, Younger YouCrack open this encyclopedic tome, which answers more questions in its jam-packed pages than you ever thought to ask about diet, lifestyle, and health. Sarah�s exhaustive, all-in-one textbook for Paleo living leaves no stone unturned! Michelle Tam, New York Times bestselling cookbook author and creator of Nom Nom Paleo Read more About the Author Sarah Ballantyne, PhD,�earned her doctorate degree in medical biophysics from the University of Western Ontario at age 26. She spent the next four years doing research on innate immunity, inflammation, critical care medicine, gene therapy, and epithelial cell biology at St. Michael�s Hospital in Toronto, and at the University of Arizona before becoming a stay-at-home mom, a decision motivated largely by her poor health at the time. After her second daughter was born,�Dr. Ballantyne began to experiment with the Paleo lifestyle. It had an amazing effect on her health, contributing to her 120-pound weight loss. Over time, she healed herself of a laundry list of physical complaints, including irritable bowel syndrome, acid reflux, migraines, anxiety, asthma, allergies, psoriasis, and the autoimmune skin condition lichen planus. Inspired by her success, Dr. Ballantyne created the popular and award-winning health blog and became co-host of a top-rated syndicated podcast, The Paleo View. Together, her passion for providing straightforward explanations of the science behind her diet and lifestyle recommendations for managing autoimmune disease and her conviction that healing your body does not have to come at the expense of enjoying food form the foundation of her books, The Paleo Approach and The Paleo Approach Cookbook. Read more
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