Read PDF The Friendship Project: The Catholic Woman's Guide to Making and Keeping Fabulous, Faith-Filled Friends
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Review 'In an age that values social networks over face-to-face relationships, Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet make a compelling case for the lost art of spiritual friendship. They draw from a rich vein of personal experience and the lives of the saints to prove that the old proverb is still true: to have a friend, you must be a friend. Read this book to find out how.' --Colleen Carroll Campbell, Author of My Sisters the Saints 'The Bible says that 'a faithful friend is a sturdy shelter and he that has found one has found a treasure.' The same goes for finding this book! We are all a work in progress, and while finding virtuous friendships can be difficult, they are vital in life. The Friendship Project shows us just how to find and invest in these intentional and virtuous friendships.' --Sarah Swafford, Speaker and author of Emotional Virtue: A Guide to Drama-Free Relationships 'We live in a technology-driven world where people are instantly connected, yet in our own personal lives, we often feel isolated and alone. The Friendship Project is an inspiring and uplifting answer to how we can be internally connected and equipped to form lasting friendships�first with God and second with others. It underscores the truth that happiness lies in living a virtuous life.' --Sr. John Dominic, O.P., Developer of Disciple of Christ, Education in Virtue Read more About the Author Michele Faehnle is a school nurse at St. Andrew School in Upper Arlington, Ohio, and the host of Answering the Call on St. Gabriel Radio. She is a contributor to, codirector of the Columbus Catholic Women�s Conference, and coauthor of Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project, and Our Friend Faustina.Faehnle earned a bachelor of science degree in nursing from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1999. Faehnle has spoken at the National Shrine of Divine Mercy and to several women�s groups and conferences, including 1:38 Women, Mothering with Grace Annual Mother�s Conference, Indiana Catholic Women�s Conference, and the online Catholic Conference for Moms. Faehnle has appeared on EWTN�s At Home with Jim and Joy and a number of Catholic radio programs.Along with her coauthor, Emily Jaminet, Faehnle received the Bishop John King Mussio Award from Franciscan University of Steubenvile, of which she is an alumna. She and her husband, Matthew, have four children and live in Columbus, Ohio.Emily Jaminet is executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network and a contributor to and coauthor of Divine Mercy for Moms, The Friendship Project, and Our Friend Faustina. She serves on the board of directors of the Columbus Catholic Women�s Conference. Jaminet earned a bachelor�s degree in mental health and human services from Franciscan University of Steubenville in 1998.Jaminet offers a daily segment called A Mother�s Moment on St. Gabriel Catholic Radio and Mater Dei Radio. She has spoken to several women�s groups and conferences, including 1:38 Women, Mothering with Grace Annual Mother�s Conference, Indiana Catholic Women�s Conference, Women�s Day of Reflection for Homeschoolers, and the online Catholic Conference for Moms. Jaminet has appeared on EWTN�s At Home with Jim and Joy and a number of Catholic radio programs.Along with her coauthor, Michele Faehnle, Jaminet received the Bishop John King Mussio Award from Franciscan University of Steubenvile, of which she is an alumna. She and her husband, John, have seven children and live in Columbus, Ohio.Rev. Larry Richards is the founder and president of The Reason for Our Hope Foundation. A retreat leader, speaker, radio host, and author, he also founded the Divine Mercy Encounter Retreat Program in the Diocese of Erie, where he serves as pastor of St. Joseph Church/Bread of Life Community. Read more
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