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Description of The Book of Blessings and Rituals: Magical Invocations for Healing, Setting Energy, and Creating Sacred Space
Review From ancestral rituals to home healing altars, The Book of Blessings and Rituals reads like sage advice and insight from a gentle, magical friend. As the moon changes shape, and as the seasons come and go, the words in these pages will be there to guide you toward your own magic and inner light. - Lisa Marie Basile, author of Light Magic for Dark TimesBeautiful blessings. Beautiful illustrations. Beautiful book. - Yasmin Boland, author of MoonologyBeautifully illustrated ... an ideal and unreservedly recommended addition to personal, professional, community, and academic library Metaphysical Studies collections. - Midwest Book Review Read more About the Author Dr. Athena Perrakis (Torrance, California)��is the bestselling author of The Ultimate Guide to Chakras, Crystals Lore, Legends & Myths, and The Book of Blessings. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Sage Goddess, the world�s largest source of sacred tools and metaphysical education. Each week, Sage Goddess reaches almost two million people across the globe, on every continent and in more than 60 countries. She holds a PhD�from the University of Southern California in educational leadership, and has 15 years of experience as a professor, corporate trainer and consultant, and educator. Athena has traveled the globe and worked with CEOs and senior executives from the Fortune 50 companies. But her metaphysical experience, in which her current work is largely rooted, spans more than 30 years. During that time, she has become an expert in gemology, astrology, Tarot, aromatherapy, Reiki, and herbal medicine. Her Etsy shop was the first online metaphysical storefront to reach the Top 10 stores in the handmade category around the world. Today, there are more than 3000 products available through SageGoddess.com�everything from essential oils and ritual perfumes to candles, jewelry, gemstones in every form, home decor, clothing, body art and temporary tattoos, canvas art, and more. � Read more
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